American standard
This keyboard is build according to the American standard. The solid ash wood sidepanels are carrying the manual and pedal frames, made out of stainless steel. The manual keys have a so-called weighted balance suspension”, made for a perfect beiaardtouché.
The hammers are equipped with piano heads which results in a clear tone. All the mechanical noises are reduced. Playing low tremolo on this keyboard is no problem. This Clavion is ideally suited as a practice (room) carillon and can also be used as a stand-alone concert instrument.
- Standard: American
- Position: (B1 pedal under D3 manual)
- Pitch range manual: Bes°, c’, d’, chromatic d””’
- Pitch range pedal: Bes°, c’, d’, chromatic d””’. (G°, gis’’, a’’ option)
- Dimensions: length 1.565 mm, height 1.225 mm, width 670 mm
- Distance manual and pedal: 760 mm
- Distance manualkeys is 51 mm
- Distance pedalkeys is 44,5 mm (concave – radial)
- Weight approx. 130 kg.
- Bench: is adjustable in height.
- more options available upon request >